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.Saturday, January 27, 2007 ' 8:46 PM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

hey chris! your long awaited post... xD

yo girl... TK is the best lorh... so fun! and the people are like so nice. except for people like ah ber. you know. i told you about her. my whole class cant stand her. and poor me. i am in her chinese class!!!! :( so every lesson i have to endure her shouting and all the nonsense. there was once my classmate didnt hear clearly what we were supposed to do and the next day when we were supposed to hand in the homework she called him tou lan just because he didnt know what to do. that is like so unreasonable lorh...

and another time. she asked me to collect another guy's fa cao as in his punishment was to copy a ke wen. so i took it and passed it to her and i pointed to him and said,"lao shi, ta de fa cao." and she said," orh, wo fa ni de shi ma?" then i was like thinking huh... so i said," mei you... shi ni fa ta de." and she gave me a look. so i didnt know what else to do right? so i just walked back to my place. and on the way back she called me and asked me to look at her and she said," yi hou ni yao shuo shi sao ren(that guy's name) de, bu yao zhe yang jiao gei wo." and i was like thinking: come on... isnt it good enough that i collected it for her? lol. and my friend nikki said that she thinks all of ah ber's clothes are from pasamalam. haha. she's very mean. just like me!><

ok. now it's your turn to dedicate a post to me! anything you want larh... i dont mind(: i'm so good right? haha. so long girl! see you on chinese new year at shps.

<3 abi

8:46 PM

.Thursday, January 18, 2007 ' 8:26 PM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

yo people!

two days ago ah ber called me a gua. just because it was my turn to sweep the floor and i didnt because she was going to shang ke so like what's the point right? so when she asked me to sweep the floor i didnt. she said the class was 'very dirty'. which it wasnt larh! STUPIDITY.so after a while she was like." na ge sao di de ren sao dao na li qu le arh?" and i raised my hand. and she said," orh, zhen shi yi ge gua. jiao ni sao di mei you sao. ni kan na bian you zhe me duo zhi zhang..." so instead of sweeping the floor, i just plain walked to the front, picked up that piece of paper and threw it into the dustbin. and walked back to my place. haha. and i was like fuming mad at her the whole lesson larh. and poor nikki was ilke trying to cheer me up. she was like," aiyah cheer up larh... nobody likes her."

and YZ was took one look at my face and said," woww i think you feel like killing her." hais. irritating lorh... and today we had a xiao ce yan. i was sitting behind nikki. i had already finished the test lorh... i was just rocking my chair and nikki was leaning behind. and ah ber said," wei, na ge nu sheng ke yi zuo hao mah? bu yao chao bie ren de dong xi!" and i said,"mei you ah". and she had nothing to say. haha. stupid!!!! cant stand her man.i complained to my sister the other day she was like aiyoh so what one arh? lol. haha. longest post ever. haha. xD and wan zhuo said she likes her a lot. she LOVES her. so yarh whatever. i stil dont like her. something really big must happen to make me love her like wan zhuo.

wan zhuo wan zhuo wan zhuo. know why? i'm posting in school and she's bugging me to put her name. so bo pian right? >< happy now wan zhuo? this paragraph is dedicated to you. (:

abi <3

8:26 PM

.Thursday, January 11, 2007 ' 2:23 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

hi guys! TK is great! i love it. only there's ah ber. >< my form teacher who is also my chinese teacher. she cant stop shouting at anyone who doesnt bring or complete her homework. and when announcements were made over the PA system she said that she couldnt hear when it was like so clear. haha. so when she asked the chairman to go down to the general office to tell them that the announcements were soft i said to nikki," i dont think the announcements are soft. i think it's just that she's a little hard of hearing." xD very bad huh?

SIAN. every single day it seems to be raining. how troublesome. URGH.

gotta go! bye!

<3 abi

2:23 AM


[#o1] This is her blog
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave
[#o5] No vulgarities
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy

abigail sim
aka abi
1H 2007
sweet 12


born a month before christmas...


x-get great PSLE results this year
although it's not like they were that great xD
x-get into good class
x-new handphone
x-esprit or levi's skirt




