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.Wednesday, July 11, 2007 ' 1:07 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

):):): i'm flying off to pattaya tomorrow. i'm going to miss you guys... *sniffs*

but i'm kinda looking forward to it and not at the same time xD cuz i get to miss AH BER'S lessons but i'm going to miss my friends and everyone else ><

yayy now jun wei and i are goodie friends!!! :D haha. and nikki thinks he's shuai xD haha just now i blurted it out to him and she was like so embarassed haha. lol but i apologised to her after that. i told her it was just a spur of the moment thing xD

ok i dont really know what to post about. there's nothing much really ><

just... take care guys! and dont miss me. i'll be back before you know it! (:


1:07 AM

.Saturday, July 07, 2007 ' 4:09 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

sheesh. today was totally a letdown luh... ):

ok. practice in the morning wasnt that bad xD but it's like. ezra didnt practise, so mr fong asked stephanie to play, but she had never played it before but she didnt play all that bad either >< but somehow i had to play. ok. and i was so MALU. haha.

anyway, we were let off at 12 to have lunch. haha. i had lunch with isabel, yin shuang, siu yen, kenny, riduwan, and jian liang. haha jian liang's really cute; as in adorable cute. although he's a sec3 xD ok. we were like all laughing at kenny cuz he was practically SHOVING food down at a tremendous rate. haha and he finished a chicken foldover in like i dont know how many minutes?!?!?! lol. and it's like. he had curry sauce right, and so he put like 2 fries inside it and ate from the box. that is like sooooo sick luh ><

and than we started laughing about his weight. haha. siu yen was like: eh you know lifts they have a capacity right, so next time instead of putting 20 persons, they should put '20 persons or 1 kenny'. haha that was like so funny. it set me off laughing mann... and i laughed until i was like ALL full haha.

and then after that yin shuang saw one little kid who was eating an ice-cream and putting some sauce over it. i dont know if it was barbacue sauce or maple syrup but either way it was still really gross... haha. yin shuang said: kenny, he's worse than you!! haha lolness

ok now comes the depressing part. for swallow, apparently we sang SHARP. and for crown of roses, we didnt breathe with the mouth shape and blahblahblah. BIN-NAM-MA was like the WORST. period. firstly, we were already rushing FROM THE START. and secondly, towards the end, the sops were rushing like siao. and it's like. i saw mr fong desparately trying yto get us back into our proper timing but it seemed like nobody saw. or rather. i guess some people just dont bother. anyway, i tried to slow down. but like WHAT CAN ONE PERSON DO AGAINST 80 OF US?!?!?! siu yen said he also tried to slow down.

and so after that, mr fong scolded us, mdm goo scolded us, chairman of choir scolded us and alto SL scolded us.

and i felt so demoralised luh... like it's no as if NO ONE put in any effort right... but at least amirul said he saw cheng wei trying to slow down too.

and the worst thing is, most of the blame was one the SEC1s. so unfair right??? like come ON mann... doesnt mean we're the youngest means we cant sing right. SHEESH.

anyway, it was so demoralising that i felt like CRYING larh.. and i'm not really one to lose control of my emotions THAT easily. so you should know how it felt then ): ok enough of the depressing stuff.

the funny part is: ezra turned the page too early and i had to stop playing cuz i didnt know what the chords were. haha. and after that he was like 'sorry'. ah but it's ok >< haha

alrighty. ENOUGH ABI!!! haha. =\



4:09 AM

.Wednesday, July 04, 2007 ' 3:16 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

haha. today drama was sooooo fun larh... >< haha.

i think the other half of the class didnt have as much fun as we did HAH. my teacher's called Rebecca and she just graduated from LaSalle. oops i think that's how you spell it =x she's really nice lor... haha

ok. first we had a little bit of introduction stuff and than she told us roughly what we're going to be doing for the next 8 weeks (: she RAWKS :D:D:D than after that we played 'Dog and Bone' and guess what? THE GIRLS WON!!! ok maybe with the help of 2 guys. siu yen and quentin. siu yen you rawk too! (: haha that was a really nice one you pulled off... (: oh yeah and kristal's really good too! (: she practically pulled the bottle from between the legs of kin seng i think >< and she got away without being touched. i made a FOOL of myself luh... ):

after 'Dog and Bone' we played this game called 'Space Invasion'. someone has to be IT and we gotta prevent IT from being able to sit down. but there will always be one empty chair which is supposed to be IT's chair xD haha but everytime we play, it's always less than a minute before IT gets to sit down haha. so lame right??? but it was REAL fun larh... like it was fun running around >< haha

and after that, we played 'Cat and Mouse'. (:(:(: that game is THE GOODS. haha. it's like we have to pair ourselves up. and so there will be one cat and mouse and the cat will be chasing the mouse. so when the mouse joins one pair, the third person in that pair will have to run. so in other words the third person will become the mouse ><

oh yes! the best part of it was... cuz we won 'Dog and Bone' right? so we made the guys do a forfeit kinda thingy (: haha. and so we made them STRUT around. oh how humiliating it must have been for them!!! =\ haha. but it was fun luh... we pretended that it was ANTM. haha. America's Next Top Model. woots. (: it was so funny larh... but at least they were like more sporting than the other group. :D and we were supposed to be their judges lol. marc even said: hello! I AM GAY. haha that was like so SUPER funny larh... (: i had laughing fits.

and during 'Cat and Mouse', siu yen was screaming crazily. made me laugh uncontrollably as well ><

ok ok i shall end here. i know this is an impossibly long post :D
<3abi (:

3:16 AM

.Monday, July 02, 2007 ' 4:28 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

haha yayy! today my piano teacher congratulated me on something xD

cuz i'm playing this Mozart piece and the 2nd movement of it requires a certain amout of understanding. and i HAVE it!!! so she was like: not something i would expect from a 13 year old. so... bravo. woots I AM SO HAPPY!!!! :D

haha ok. sheehs clement's comments are always so packed with formalities. wonder why??? i asked him in another comment if he's got too much council in him. haha lol he has yet to reply ><

aiyah i dont really know what to post about. just that mr kwei said that if i dont recover soon i cannot sing in pattaya. *sobs* hmpf. HE IS SO MEAN DERH ): i really hope i get well soon lor...

oh yeah and tomorrow mdm goo wants us to bring our costumes and wants us to wear it so that she can have a costume check. that is like so dumb luh... and fengyuan wants to see me in it. HE IS SO MEAN AS WELL. ):

ok whatever. i'll look like a fool tomorrow larh... carrying that stupid costume of mine around xD darn =x

alrighty i shall stop here! :D

4:28 AM

.Thursday, June 28, 2007 ' 3:36 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

yayyness!!! tomorrow i get to go to school!!! (:(:(:(: ok that was like so lame. sorry guys for not coming to school for the past 2 days! ><

haha. ok this shall be a short post xD
bye people! :D


3:36 AM

.Wednesday, June 27, 2007 ' 12:20 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

):):): I HAVE LOST MY VOICE!!! like how bad is that??? URGH. right now i sound squeaky and stupid. and i hate that ok.

STUPID COUGH CANT YOU JUST GO AWAY. or rather, why did i even get sick? ): haha.

ok enough of the self-pity. today... hmm. i dont have much to do today. which is really bad cuz that means i'll be bored stiff att home =.= haha

and i really hope i can go to school tomorrow lor... it's like i dont want to not go to school for so long. and my friends MISS me. HAH.

siu yen and i are both sick. i dont know what he's sick with though... haha.

oh yeah let me tell you guys when i lost my voice. it was yesterday during choir when i wanted to hum along and i discovered that there was NO SOUND coming out from my mouth. thankfully no one talked to me after that xD if not i would have been so super embarassed luh... ><

i am BOREDBOREDBORED xD there are so few people online and siu yen doesnt really respond. siu yen you silly MIKA freak xD haha

aiyah. ok i shall stop here since i have almost nothing to post about ><


12:20 AM

.Sunday, June 24, 2007 ' 3:13 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

hello! URGH i am still sick ): haha. but at least today i could go to church instead of having to go see the doctor. haha actually if it were combined service i wouldnt have minded going to the doctor's but haha... today was a youth service and i didnt want to miss it see.

and i have lots of phlegm ): haha. yesterday during choir i didnt sing i just sat there and listened to them sing their lungs out xD haha. and this tuesday there's going to be a choir practice for the people in the children's choir from 4 until i dont know what time. mr fong said it all depended on how well we sing. he said' if y'all want to sing suisui, than y'all can go home earlier. but if y'all want to sing shitshit, than y'all will go home later. simple as that'. haha so lame right?

OoOo yeah i feel so happy. i'm going out for dinner later :D know why i'm so happy? cuz i havent been out to dinner with my aunts and grandma for like 2 weeks. no actually last week we were supposed to go but my mum said no. so mean right? ah but that's life isnt it? ><

haha i sound like a... aiyah like a i dont know what xD that is like so lame lor.. xD

but i hope at least i'll be getting better soon so that i can do things like... swim!!!! :D haha.

darn mann... i got to go ler... ): and to all those stupid anonymous people tagging my blog: GO GET A LIFE.

<3abi (:

3:13 AM


[#o1] This is her blog
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave
[#o5] No vulgarities
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy

abigail sim
aka abi
1H 2007
sweet 12


born a month before christmas...


x-get great PSLE results this year
although it's not like they were that great xD
x-get into good class
x-new handphone
x-esprit or levi's skirt




